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Our honey is harvested by our trained and certified beekeepers under our supervision and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of International Standards.

White Mountain Honey is from the mountains of Kyrgyzstan with a silky white texture that has an amazing and explosive floral taste. It enhances, stimulates, and boosts the memory when taken in combination with walnuts and or dates. White Mountain honey is also known as an antioxidant powerhouse and is rich in Omega 3 protecting your body from cell damage due to free radicals that contribute to the aging process.

Nectar Source: Sainfoin Flower
Origin: Kyrgyzstan
Consistency: Naturally creamy, thick, and frothy, it’s the only honey that looks like this!
Color: Pale Silky White

100% Raw and organic
Distinct floral taste
Free from artificial additives and preservatives.

A rich, rare, raw, and very pure honey that is white in color and intensely floral in taste and aroma. It’s made solely from the nectar of the Sainfoin flower that blooms during the summer from Kyrgyzstan. It is packed with natural minerals most popular for its anti-cough properties. Moreover, the honeybees harvest the nectar of the wild Sainfoin Flower at an altitude of 2,700 meters above sea level which only blooms from May to mid-August followed by sub-zero winters.

The wild Sainfoin Flower offers a soothing effect, and its honey has several medicinal benefits due to which it has significance in the world of medicine as well.

  • Anti-bacterial, Anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties
  • Boosts immunity against coughs & disease
  • Boosts energy throughout the day
  • Treats throats infections, colds & allergies
  • Helps with weight loss
  • Heals burns, scars, and acne
  • Improves Athletic performance
  • Antioxidant Powerhouse
  • Builds Resistance
  • Protective Phytonutrients

Make your bones strong by adding this honey to your milk. Therefore, it is ideal for kids, aged people suffering from osteoarthritis, and women. Moreover, this is ideal for cooling down inflammation and provides strength to weak muscles. It gives calm and relief to your body by reducing pain and aches in joints and bones.

White Mountain Honey is a rich source of vitamin C that is a very important component of our diet. It helps to repair the immune system, tissues of the skin and increases collagen formation. It protects the walls of blood vessels and secures them from harmful radicals.